AngularJS directive for OAuth 2.0

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Create AngularJS apps that connects to any OAuth 2.0 server using the client side flow (aka OAuth 2.0 Implicit Grant). In addition, OpenID Connect Implicit Flow is also supported.

Getting Started


Install oauth-ng using Bower

$ bower install oauth-ng --save

Basic Example

This example shows you how the directive works.

<body ng-app="app">

  <script>angular.module('app', ['oauth']);</script>

To fully understand how it works read the next section.

What does it do?

It renders a Login link that lets you authorize a third party app through OAuth 2.0. When the flow is completed, the access token is saved in the SessionStorage.

Create your first app with oauth-ng

In this section you will learn how to use the directive to authorize an OAuth 2.0 server through the creation of a real project. It will take less than 10 minutues.

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To build our app we'll use Yeoman, a collection of tools and frameworks helping developers to quickly build web applications.


With a recent version of Node.js installed, install the yo package. In this way you have Yo, Grunt and Bower and can run them directly from the command-line.

$ npm install -g yo

With Yeoman you can install additional generators with npm. For this tutorial you need to install the AngularJS generator.

$ npm install -g generator-angular

Create your AngularJS app

To begin, go to the terminal, make a new directory and cd into it.

$ mkdir new-project && cd $_

You can now kick-start your AngularJS app.

$ yo angular

It will also ask you if you would like to include Twitter Bootstrap and other stuff. Once you've decided, just hit Enter. It will take a while to complete.

To preview what the app looks like run the serve command.

$ grunt serve

The server supports LiveReload, meaning you can fire up a text editor, edit a custom element and the browser will reload on save.

Install oauth-ng

Install oauth-ng using Bower.

$ bower install oauth-ng --save

Now you have oauth-ng and all its dependencies ready to be used. Restart the server to automatically add them to your index page.

$ grunt serve

The setup is now completed.

AngularJS app definition

Inject the oauth-ng module into your application.

// app/scripts/app.js
angular.module('newProjectApp', ['oauth', ... ])

Activate the HTML5 mode

Activate the HTML5 mode to catch the access token.

// app/scripts/app.js
angular.module('newProjectApp').config(function($locationProvider) {

OAuth 2.0 Server

To test the directive we created a basic OAuth 2.0 authorization server at the address

Identify your application

To make the directive work you need a registered application to get its client-id and redirect-uri. For this example we created a demo app with the following credentials.

Add the oauth-ng directive

Open your main.html view and place the oauth tag with the needed configurations.


Here a description for what these settings are about.

site OAuth 2.0 authorization server URI.
client-id Registered Client ID.
redirect-uri Registered application URI.
Where the user is redirected after the authorization.
profile-uri API endpoint to get the authenticated profile resource.
scope Application privileges to be requested from the authorization server. The value should be in plain text and will be properly URI encoded for authorization.

You're done!

Open your index page, click to the Login link and authorize your application to get a new access token. You are now ready to access your API using OAuth 2.0 and AngularJS.

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HTML5 mode

HTML5 mode ON

The oauth directive works just straight when the HTML5 mode is active.

  angular.module('app').config(function($locationProvider) {

HTML5 mode OFF

When the HTML5 mode is off (default setup on AngularJS) add the following snippet of code to your routing provider.

angular.module('app').config(function ($routeProvider) {
    .when('/access_token=:accessToken', {
      template: '',
      controller: function ($location, AccessToken) {
        var hash = $location.path().substr(1);

This code is needed because the fragment that the OAuth 2.0 server returns is recognized as the routing path /access_token. For this reason you need to add a routing rule catching the access token, parse it and then redirect to the desired view of your app.


The directive accepts the following attributes.

site required A string that represents the authorization endpoint.
client-id required Registered Client ID.
response-type required Default to token, which is for OAuth 2.0 implicit grant type. To use OpenID Connect Implicit Flow, use id_token (to get id_token only) or id_token token (to get both id_token and access_token)
redirect-uri required Registered application URI where the user is redirected after the authorization.
scope optional Application privileges to be requested from the authorization server. The value should be in plain text and will be properly URI encoded for authorization. When using OpenID Connect Implicit Flow, value openid must be included.
profile-uri optional API endpoint returning the authenticated profile resource.
state optional An arbitrary unique string created by your app to guard against Cross-site Request Forgery.
template optional Custom template you want to render.
Default to default.html.
authorize-path optional Authorization URL for the OAuth2 Implicit Flow.
Default to /oauth/authorize.
text optional Visible text when the user has to login.
Default to Sign in.
storage (optional) How the token is stored locally,
localStorage or sessionStorage.
Defaults to sessionStorage.
issuer (optional) For OpenID Connect Implicit Flow only. The issuer of the id_token. It must exactly match the iss claim (if exists) in the id_token
subject (optional) For OpenID Connect Implicit Flow only. The subject of the id_token. The detailed meaning is usually application specific. It must exactly match the sub claim (if exists) in the id_token
pub-key (optional) For OpenID Connect Implicit Flow only. The public key to verify the id_token signature. It could be .pem format or JWK format.
For signing algorithm (usually specified by alg in the id_token header), currently only RS256, RS384, or RS512 is supported.
If not set, then the id_token itself should carry the public key, or the url which can be used to retrieve the public key.


The oauth directive comes to life with customization in mind. You can easily define personalized CSS styles or create brand new templates.

Custom CSS

By default the directive is shown as a simple link. To improve its visual style add some CSS rules.

Default (no extra CSS required)
Logged out Sign In
Logged in Logout Alice
Access denied Access denied. Try again.
Blue button style <Download CSS>
Logged out Sign In
Logged in Logout Alice
Access denied Access denied. Try again.

All CSS rules applies to the following HTML structure.

<span class="oauth">
  <a href="#" class="logged-out">Sign In</a>
  <a href="#" class="logged-in">Logout Alice</a>
  <a href="#" class="denied">Access denied. Try again.</a>

It's easy to create your own. Base all of your rules on the oauth class or checkout existing CSS definitions to better understand how it works (e.g. the blue button CSS).

Mail or Tweet me if you make new CSS buttons so that we can add them do the docs.

Custom Template

When the custom template does not satisfy your needs (e.g. you want to show the user email when logged in), you can create a new one. To have an idea of what a template looks like, see the code below (related to the default template).

<span class="oauth">
  <a href="#" class="logged-out" ng-show="show=='logged-out'" ng-click="login()">{{text}}</a>
  <a href="#" class="logged-in"  ng-show="show=='logged-in'"  ng-click="logout()">Logout {{}}</a>
  <a href="#" class="denied"     ng-show="show=='denied'"     ng-click="login()">Access denied. Try again.</a>

To create your new template, define the HTML and make it work using the following internal API.

show variable Defines the oauth status.
Valid values are logged-out, logged-in and denied.
text variable Visible text when the widget is logged out.
Default to Sign in.
login() method Logs in redirecting the app to the OAuth 2.0 authorization server.
logout() method Logs out deleting the access token.

Now, supposing you have defined a new template in views/templates/custom.html, you need to let the directive know about its existence. You can do this in two ways.

1 - Template attribute

Set the template path (or uri) as value for the template attribute.


2 - Template event

Fires the update template event passing the template path (or uri) as param.

$rootScope.$broadcast('oauth:template:update', 'views/templates/custom.html');

Use this solution when you need to update the directive at runtime. For all other cases, use the template attribute.


The events related to the oauth directive are the following.

oauth:login(token) fired Fired when the user has completed the login flow, and authorized the third party app.
oauth:authorized(token) fired Fired when the view is initializing and user has a non-expired auth token in the local session storage.
oauth:logout fired Fired when the user logs out.
oauth:loggedOut fired Fired when the user is not logged in.
oauth:denied fired Fired when the user denies the access to the third party app.
oauth:expired fired Fired when the access token is expired.
oauth:template:update(uri) listening Listening for runtime the template change.
See examples in the customization section.
oauth:profile(profile) fired Fired when the profile data has been retrieved.
Does not fire if there is no profile-uri parameter.

Here some examples.

$scope.$on('oauth:login', function(event, token) {
  console.log('Authorized third party app with token', token.access_token);

$scope.$on('oauth:logout', function(event) {
  console.log('The user has signed out');

$scope.$on('oauth:loggedOut', function(event) {
  console.log('The user is not signed in');

$scope.$on('oauth:denied', function(event) {
  console.log('The user did not authorize the third party app');

$scope.$on('oauth:expired', function(event) {
  console.log('The access token is expired. Please refresh.');

$scope.$on('oauth:profile', function(profile) {
  console.log('User profile data retrieved: ', profile);

Logged in or logged out?

Inject the AccessToken.get() service to understand if the user is logged in or out.

$timeout(function() {
  $scope.logged = !!AccessToken.get();
}, 0)

The AccessToken.get() method returns null when the user is logged out and the access token representation when the user is logged in (see below).

  "access_token": "9ce03e06f037180c2dcfa8b278217eb56d747730c69xxx",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 7200,
  "state": "remember-me"

Profile resource

When a user signs in, the profile is accessible through the Profile service.

$scope.profile = Profile.get();

This profile is accessible only when the profile-uri attribute is defined and it sets the Authorization header with the access token to authenticate the request.

Authorization:Bearer {token}



Mail or Tweet me for any idea that can improve the project.

This project was created and released as open-source thanks to Lelylan, a new platform to monitor and control your devices through a simple, open and robust REST API.

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